Retirement Benefit Solutions for Employers

For companies already providing, or looking to provide pension benefits for their employees, there are various options, depending on how involved you wish to be as an employer and where your workforce and/or head office are based.

We offer a wide range of services to local (Isle of Man and Gibraltar) company occupational pension schemes, in addition to providing our own Group Personal Pension Plan for Isle of Man employers and Multi-Employer Pension Scheme for Gibraltar employers.

A leader in international pension plans and retirement savings solutions, we also offer a range of comprehensive, flexible international pension solutions to international employers irrespective of where their employees are based.

Our corporate pension team is highly experienced, with decades of specialist technical pensions expertise spanning defined contribution (DC), defined benefit (DB) and End of Service retirement benefit solutions.

If you are unsure of what is best for your company, or you would like to know more, speak to us, or your adviser to understand the options available to you.

Get in touch

Erica Power

Head of Pensions Business Development, Gibraltar